It’s Cory. This time the guy holding court is Cory.
BTW, the Kickstarter for Pixelfed and Loops, the actually-open, ActivityPub based clones of Instagram and TikTok, just hit $35,000 in its first 13 hours. The creator of Mastodon just ceded control to a new non-profit. That’s how you do it. By spending money to build free things for the public interest out in the open, not by tithing your money, labor and attention directly to VC-funded for-profit corporations.
For those who don’t know jwz, among other things, you have him to thank for Firefox/Mozilla’s existence.
Oh no, but those poor Blue Sky users, when the service becomes even more terrible they might lose all their posts. We must save them from their own bad decisions!"
i wonder why it’s so hard for people to understand this about social media with significant financial backing; it literally happens every 👏 single 👏 time 👏 .
and here i am bieng the pot that’s calling the kettle black since i did tiktok up until monday. lol
At least you learned the lesson.
it’s a lesson i’ve learned many times since the days of bbs & icq; but it keeps catching me off guard.
That logo 😬
I fuckin love this guy
What’s the third logo? I recognize the rest, but not the rotated blue G or whatever it is.
But why the image…?