He/him. Chinese born, Canadian citizen. University student studying environmental science, hobbyist programmer. Marxist-Leninist.

  • 22 Posts
Joined 5 years ago
Cake day: October 3rd, 2019


  • Hi! This isn’t really a question, but I was a former admin on Lemmy.ml and I just want to say that I really appreciated the opportunity to be on your team and it was a really valuable experience for me! I’m no longer an admin due to inactivity and personal life events causing me to no longer have the time to serve such a role, but I enjoyed the time I was and I really hope I was able to make a positive contribution to the instance!

    Thank you for your continued work developing this project and running your instance comrades! This is still by far my favourite fediverse platform, actually, favourite social media in general. I intend to continue using both Lemmy.ml and Lemmygrad and I hope I can continue to contribute by using Lemmy when I have the chance!

  • This is just my opinion:

    Must haves:

    • A history of quality activity on Lemmy.ml or another instance we federate with, such as amicable discussion, links to reputable web resources, etc.

    • Frequently online. I’d say at least once a day is ideal, but I also understand that you’re a volunteer, and will reasonably have other things going on where you might be missing for several days or otherwise intermittent at times.

    • An interest in helping to develop the Lemmy community and ecosystem.

    • No recent violation of instance rules or Lemmy project code of conduct.

    Nice to have but optional:

    • History of reporting rule breaking content, particularly spam.

    • Has provided inputs on Lemmy development or the the direction the Lemmy community is going.

    • Already a moderator of a community, or an admin on another instance (we will use your moderation history to assess your application).

    • Activity on the Lemmy Matrix rooms (please Link your Matrix).

    • Activity on the Lemmy project GitHub or other source control site that Lemmy is on, either as a code contributor or making/discussing pull requests (please Link your GitHub/other source control website).

    It would also help to specify your time zone and the languages you know.